I’m always trying to find ways to keep my skills sharp and learn the latest and greatest in research and technology within the genealogy world. One of the best ways I have found for doing this is by participating in research institutes and online courses. I’ve taken a few Scandinavian courses through UGA and their Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG). Years ago I had the opportunity to be in a week-long, in-person course dedicated to Norway and Denmark. I’ve done others through the online/virtual courses. Both have advantages, but being part of these virtual courses allows you to have classes only one day a week for several weeks.

This Fall I have registered for a course on genetice genealogy taught by Paul Woodbury. I know the basics of genetic genealogy, but I know I need to learn the specifics. I frequently find myself drowning in details that I don’t understand when I read about complex DNA-based research problems. I’m excited to improve my skills.

I’ve also had the opportunity to be an instructor in a few SLIG courses related to advanced research skills and Accreditation. This Spring, I will again be a featured instructor for a SLIG course called “Becoming an Accredited Genealogist Professional: The Why, the What, the How.” Class sessions will focus on research planning, writing, source citations, document interpretation, language requirements, and many others. There are so many excellent courses offered through SLIG. If you haven’t taken one in the past, consider it for the coming months.