I’m just about to walk out the door to head to Utah for RootsTech 2025. If you are going to be there, please come say hi! Here’s what I will be teaching.

  • Four Fundamentals to Embrace as a Beginner, Thursday 6 March, 9:30am, room 250
  • Scandinavian Power Hour, taught with my friends Jeff Svare and Geoffrey Morris, Friday 7 March, 8:00am, ballroom G
  • Professional Genealogy Credentials: A Panel Discussion, Friday 7 March 4:30pm, room 355EF
  • Taming Same-Name Research, Saturday 8 March 3:00pm, room 255EF. This one will also be available on the Rootstech.org livestream.

You may notice that there isn’t much about Scandinavia on that schedule. RootsTech was looking for something different this year, and it will be fun to shake things up. It’s given me a chance to really put my brain to work to create lots of varied content. This is an exciting week. I’m looking forward to spending time with my genealogy friends and sharing what I know.


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