I had such a great time at RootsTech! I hope many of you were able to join, either in person or by livestream. My favorite part was meeting with so many friends from my genealogy life who I rarely see in person. This was my first time back since 2020.

From the livestream stage. Yes, I know the lighting makes my face look as orange as my pants. It didn’t look that way in the video.
Not the greatest resolution, but a friend grabbed this from the back of the classroom. I was part of a panel discussion about different aspects of professional genealogy. I shared the stage with Diana Elder of the Family Locket podcast, Angela McGhie and Karen Stanbary.
This is my NGSQ study group. These ladies are so fantastic and so smart. We meet monthly to discuss an article from the Quarterly, including all the source citations and the use of charts (or lack thereof!). It was so fun to be together in the flesh! It took planning to make this photo happen. Each of us had responsibilities at booths from Family Locket to ICAPGen to UGA to BYU.
Many of the vendors give out these ribbons that you can attach to your conference pass. I just chose to wear the two that I worked hard to achieve–BYU Family History graduate and the ICAPGen AG credential.

If you missed my livestream and want to see me in action, here is the link. Hopefully many of the things I addressed in the class are topics you have previously read about here. Happy RootsTech week!