This is the christening font in Brovst Parish, where my dad’s family comes from. It’s the same parish that Kiersten Christensdatter would have visited while she was living. For me, there’s something about those christening fonts. As you can see, they are old. For me, these fonts are a tangible link to my ancestors. In Scandinavia we don’t get cemeteries and headstone that go back for centuries. But when I’ve visited ancestral churches I always like to take a few minutes at the christening fonts. I know that every one of my ancestors from that parish was brought to the font as a baby. My ancestors walked on that stone floor. Maybe I read too much into it, but the fonts feel like a symbol of hope in their hard lives. I just feel that ancestral connection being inside the churches. There’s that thing inside me that feels like I’m connected to something big.

Categories: Cool Churches